Olivia's Organics

Spinach Veggie Sub Sandwiches

Craving a sandwich?! Make it delicious AND healthy with this su(b)perb recipe!

Yield: 2 Sandwiches


In a medium sauté pan, heat olive oil over high heat. When oil is shimmering, add mushrooms. Stir mushrooms as they cook occasionally, but not too much, allowing the water to release and the mushrooms to brown, about 5-7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and set aside. In the same pan, turn down the heat to medium and add spinach immediately while the pan is still quite hot. Toss spinach once or twice until all the leaves are wilted but not shriveled. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.

Drain peppers from their liquid. Slice rolls in halve lengthwise and spread one side with mayo and the other with pesto. Pile the spinach on top of the mayo, then add mushrooms, and finally the roasted peppers. Enjoy while hot or wrap snuggly and let cool. Can be enjoyed room temperature or chilled. Best eaten outdoors!

*Photo and recipe by @vestal_life