Recipes That’ll Make You Thankful for Leftovers!

November 24, 2021 | Newsletters

There are two kinds of people in this world.

Those who look forward to the meal on Thanksgiving Day – and those who look forward to the leftovers. Most of us at Team Olivia’s look forward to both! (OK, maybe there are three kinds of people in the world …). The bottom line is, we love pretty much everything about Thanksgiving, and the leftovers are no exception! What could be better than delicious meals that remind you of good times with great friends and family while reflecting on all things you’re grateful for?

As we gear up for Turkey Day 2021, we’re thinking you probably have your holiday menu in good shape. So we’re sharing some of our favorite leftover recipes. Fair warning: They might be just as delicious as the dishes you serve on Thanksgiving Day!

Turkey & Butternut Squash Soup: 
This recipe is perfect for the season – and your freezer! Make a big batch and stash the rest in a freezer-friendly container. Homemade turkey stock is the way to go with this soup.

Turkey & Butternut Cobb Salad: 
Here’s another great way to use up the turkey and butternut squash. Olivia’s Spinach serves as the foundation for this autumnal update to the classic cobb salad. Tweak the toppings based on your favorites and whatever leftovers you have on hand!

Thanksgiving Turkey Salad Sandwiches: 
Everyone should have at least one leftover turkey sandwich the weekend after Thanksgiving. This recipe turns those roasted turkey slices into amazing turkey salad. Make sure you save some cranberry sauce for this winner!

Waldorf Turkey Salad: 
So maybe you’re out of cranberry sauce, but still hankering for that roasted turkey salad. Plan B to the rescue… this turkey salad calls for grapes and apples and opts for more Greek yogurt than mayo for a healthier update.

There you have it! Four recipes to be thankful for … and gobble up … on Friday morning.

How does your household celebrate Thanksgiving leftovers? We’re all ears! Send an email with a recipe or photo to or post a pic and tag us on Instagram – that’s @Olivias_Organics.

Thanks for making Olivia’s part of your fresh, healthy life. Happy Turkey Day!

Team Olivia’s

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